Martin Belou Installation view

Bernier/Eliades Gallery is pleased to present the solo exhibition of the French artist Martin Belou. This is the artist’s second exhibition at the gallery. The artist will be present at the opening.

In his new solo exhibition entitled “Vessels”  Martin Belou (b.1986) presents a new body of works based on the same formal and material vocabulary that the artist has developed in his work the past few years.

The artist uses a combinatorial principle which consists in coupling materials according to the law of the strongest contrast. The very fine with the most massive, the most precious with the rawest, the imposing with the tiny: fire and water, limpets and metal, wood  and marble.

Through the setting according to the state of objects, the scenography reduced to elementary layouts, the sculptures give off the impression of evocations whose meaning remains hidden.

When looking at the works of Martin Belou, we guess the temptation of mythological references, the evocation of imaginary travels or forgotten rituals. But uncertainty hangs over their origin which leaves a field open to interpretation.

The cultural background that permeates the set of pieces opens a wide spectrum on a vast mental horizon.

The spectator, constantly solicited by multiple micro-events that the meeting of materials produces, the nature of their tonality and the incidental reverie that results from it, is finally questioned in front of what seems to be part of an original pact full of mystery.
